Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Tribute to those who teach me with their words…

Tribute to those who teach me with their words…
To quote one of my fave’s, Florence And The Machine have a song called The Dog Days Are Over, in which she sings; “Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, Struck from a great height, By someone who should know better than that…” Now these words are something to ponder, how happiness can literally come from out of nowhere, and is often sourced by the most unexpected of areas. Do yourself a favour and listen to the song, notice how she says run fast… I think she is saying grab this moment of happiness and run with it while you can. Take the chance-yes, it came as a surprise-hit you like a train on the tracks but go with it-take it all in while it is still here! This is a beautiful and daunting notion, since the leap into happiness, letting go of every inhibition and reservation means opening one’s self up for potential heart-ache and pain. That’s part of life though-pain reminds us we can still feel, it keeps us alive. We should not fear it!
I find I have always had very specific dreams of “happiness” for myself! When I was about 19, I had it all planned out. Was going to be married by 24 and have my first child by 26. Ha-it’s hilarious to think of it now! Although I realise there are in fact very many people for which that specific dream did in fact reach fruition and they are perfectly happy. Life however-had other plans for me-or rather, to be fair, the series of choices I made (whether good or bad) lead me to where I am today. And, I am secretly bursting with excitement at the prospect of discovering true happiness-BLISS. Whether it is short lived and / or followed by tremendous pain makes no matter.
I do want to get married and have babies with a wonderful man whom I adore and I am looking forward to doing the work. By doing the work I mean love him enough to fight for and with him to make it work together. But I am not there yet. And when I am I want to continue my journey of happiness, with him. I am of the opinion that true happiness and inner peace will go hand in hand. I am talking about soul happy-not just mind happy! For cheap thrills will quench the mind (or even the body) a little for a while but will never truly satisfy, not to mention said thrills are tremendously dangerous for the soul. Finding GENUINE happiness will ease the soul into a state of contentment-I thinkJ
Circumstances today, lead me to re-read one of my favourite poems; Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, by Dylan Thomas. I have always felt this poem is telling us that we must not be afraid to act, to really live while we are alive and not wait until we are on our death-beds, fighting for one more moment to do what was never done. It’s about the regrets man faces of things left un-ventured, of the roads not taken and “the one’s” that got away. Regrets….  Dylan is telling us to live, without fear so that when we reach our end one day, we look back and see that our words had in fact forked lightning and our deeds where not frail and did dance in a green bay.
So think about it, where-ever you find yourself on this journey called life. Don’t give in to fear, be brave - be happy. 

Monday, 4 July 2011


This is my journey in which I document my exhumation of life as I know it. Life is about love and love takes on many forms.  Although thus far it would appear that the subject of my writing is that of love with respect to the opposite sex, I do in fact have more to add then that. For aside from love for our families-which is of cardinal importance in establishing a happy life (I think), we must have love for our friends.
This past weekend (which rates VERY high on my fun scale thus far), I came to the realisation that friendship is as important as having clean air to breath. To love your friends, for whom and what they are and ALLOW them to love you back. Now this is a platonic kind of love which bears as much to the soul and of the soul as any other non-platonic love may.  It’s never easy to really open up to someone, we all harbour fear of judgment and ridicule from others, this may stem from past experience or from purely never experiencing TRUE friendship before. Tis normal to fear, in love of the platonic and non-platonic kind but know this, the friendships you nurture and cherish will surpass the non-platonic relationships that may fail. This I can personally attest to.
Your friends are the ones you let in, by that I mean, you let them see you for who and what you are, or rather, they saw you for who and what you are and chose to support you anyway. They will not always agree with the choices you make and it is their job to inform you, should you be lead astray or be about to make a fowl decision. But, as much as it’s their job to warn you, it’s their job to support you should you fall non-the less. This is the hard part, but it is the real part. HOWEVER-in order to have your friends stick around for the real parts, you need to nurture your friendships, don’t shut them out, and don’t be afraid to bear the truth to them.
More important than the above is that friendship is a reciprocal relationship!!!!!!! It’s not all about  JUST take take take or JUST give give give. Yes, some of us are by nature either givers or takers, very few individuals are equally blessed in this department. So, if you’re a giver, don’t let your friends trample on you simply because you enjoy the giving-you deserve take too!!! Likewise, should you know that you are a taker by nature, learn to be more giving and put your own needs aside for the sake of your friend’s needs for a change. Without reciprocity, friendship-or any relationship for that matter, will simply not survive.
Ha-am not as wise as that paragraph just made me appear to be, am but a scholar myself. I have just had the opportunity of seeing both sides of the coin in my life and thus know that friendship is worth having and worth giving a part of yourself for.
Who else is going to tell you to man the f up when you’re wallowing in self-pity or tell you to wake the f up and come back down to earth when you become full of yourself or better yet, laugh with you when you do something daft like, oh I don’t know, flashing random passers-by… J