Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Timeworn as this term may be-it carries serious weight none the less!!!
It is always better to try-even if you don’t succeed and things don’t exactly turn out the way you had hoped or planned. Take what you can from it and move on!
I found myself contemplating as to whether I had recently made several bad choices in my personal life-due to the fact that things well, let’s just say they didn’t quite materialise as I had hoped. After serious thought on my part however, I realised that I hadn’t made bad choices. I followed my heart-took the leap and, although things didn’t work out, I am happy I tried. Rather than spend my years wondering what could have been.
Here’s what I have decided to take out of what could perhaps be construed as (another) unsuccessful relationship. I am an all or nothing kind of girl, I cannot do the in-between. I am not willing to be in a relationship which finds my ass more often than not perched on its back seat. I am not saying that I am some high maintenance diva type who demands 24 hour attention. But rather, I refer to an adult relationship whereby one’s partner is one’s priority. I refuse to settle; even at the risk of being alone I will remain hopeful. Although I refer to this little item of mine as part of my road to self-discovery, I know who I am fundamentally, which makes it easier to know what you want.
Sometimes a girl’s got to kiss a few frogs-now I am by no means insinuating that those I have kissed in the past have been amphibious in nature at all. I just haven’t found my Prince yet. I know what you’re thinking… that’s not real life, there’s no such thing as fairy tales and I am filling this page with more clichéd notions of love.
I MUST ASK, have you read Captivating and/or Wild At Heart by John and Staci Eldredge, I am not advocating these authors personally and nor am I attempting to market their literature in any way. I just agree with them. They refer to the fact that we women, since we were little girls find ourselves harbouring acutely strong associations with the Princess’s in the films we watched or books we read and this perpetuates that longing for our Prince Charming to come and sweep us off our feet. This may be an unrealistic notion, to some. I have however witnessed said sweeping and personally know, a few lucky ladies who have found their true Princes. The makings of such a Prince differs from person to person, each woman is different and as such is (deeply within) attracted to specific characteristics which send off the signal inside that she has indeed found her Prince Charming. The thing is though, what Staci and John also explain is that it’s not the stories that actually caused us to feel this way, it’s simply how we were designed as women. I really do think we all long for the three things the authors of the abovementioned books refer to (you’ll have to read the books to know what they are) but you’ll notice that the longings of these opposite sexes seem to mesh well… Finding one’s Prince, to me would mean finding the man who lights up and fulfils your longings while you simultaneously do the same for him.
Hopeless romantic, you may say… Perhaps! But I must ask, what on earth is the point of it all if you cannot be completely fulfilled in your love for someone else and with their reciprocal love for you? That’s part of what we were made for!!! To love!!! To love AND be loved- truly and openly and unconditionally. Why settle for anything less!!!